Sunday, May 16, 2010

New projects

So anybody that talks to me on a daily basis knows I love a couple of sewing/crochet projects going on at once. It's nice because then I can pick and choose what I'm in the mood for. I'm all about variety.

My cousin, Dana, had asked me to make her a crochet toaster cover. Well they didn't have patterns for that atleast not one for this century. So I just picked a pattern and went after it. It turned out pretty good for my first toaster cover (not that it's in high demand or anything...ha ha). I thought I was pretty smart in putting a handle on top so you can remove it easily.

I even threw in some cute pillowcases for my nephews =).

My UFO's (Unfinished Objects) are:
Baby blanket for Hien's little Stella coming soon!
Finishing touches on Marth's new bed quilt
A crochet throw for Aunt Jan
Dana's boys baby clothes quilt
A new pillowcase for Lucas

1 comment:

Mel said...

Great projects!!!