Friday, May 28, 2010

Close call

Sammy our recent take in started getting fatter and fatter. Yep sure enough she was pregnant.

Well I was going to post those pictures this morning stating we were waiting on kitties....apparently I didn't post fast enough as she had her kitties yesterday afternoon.

I was really nervous about where she would pick her spot. Just knowing that she would end up doing it in my bed or something stupid. I got lucky though as I was in my bathroom when she started. So I shut her in my bathroom and she settled in the tub. Close call...


hien said...

I <3 kittens!

Mel said...

Close call indeed. I just had a friend whose cat birthed her kittens in her son's bed. HAHA the 4 y/o woke up mommy saying the cat was in his bed, she didnt expect to see kittens there too.