Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Dodging babies & corner ZZZZ's

The kids were upstairs playing and I kept hearing this banging going on. It sounded like they were jumping off of something so I ran up quickly...this is what they were doing.

I put Zachary in the corner because he was just plain out being a pill. After a few mintues of crying and a lot of "Can I come out?" I look over and grabbed the camera.

I really don't know how he fell asleep that way as the floor is dang hard! Don't worry I moved him to the couch (even though that day I felt like leaving him!)

I really love Alyson like she is my own and am so glad he has somebody to play with!

1 comment:

Mel said...

I love when they fall asleep on time out...definitely lets me know what the problem was hehe.