Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter pics

This year for Easter I found a Easter Egg stamp kit and a paint roller kit at Target. So we did it for one of our Family Home Evenings. I wouldn't have done it the egg dying way with Zachary because I'm sure Zachary would have tried to dye the house. Zachary dove right on in and we created some pretty eggs. Then our church had a Easter Egg hunt at the park that Zachary participated in. It's safe to say Zachary was strung out on Easter candy for a couple of days thereafter. We had a good time. I thought it would be fun to put Zachary's Easter basket outside his bedroom door that way when he woke up he would come out and see it. It worked, but not the way I thought it would go. Lucas had been pretty fussy that night and I just got to lay back down when 30 mins later Zachary woke up. I honestly don't remember a thing after that. I thought Zachary would come show me his basket, but he didn't. So I woke up to cleaning up a mess of Easter grass, candy and wrappers. Which in return made us late to church. Oh well better luck next time I guess. I hope everybody had a nice Easter.

This is what Lucas did while we were doing Easter Eggs.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Looks like he had a blast!!