Friday, March 2, 2012

Wesley's room pictures

I forgot to post pictures of Wesley's room. I went totally nautical for this one. I tried to contain myself and only do just a little...I tried.

His crib with bedding. I made the crib sheet to match his blanket and I was given the plain white bumper which works perfectly. Thanks to my lovely cousin Dana who let me have this fabric! I just love the little sailor whales..

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...I sing it every time I walk into his room.

My mom made this cute diaper bag for me with of course sailboats! It's the perfect size. His hospital picture taking outfit. I took each one of the boys with a 'Born in ..' onesie.

 I made this life ring from a Styrofoam circle and wrapped it with yarn. I already had everything but the ring.

Faux Roman Shade. I thought it just needed something.

Hadn't made one before but it was super easy.

Wesley's car seat blanket which is much easier than just draping a blanket over it and hoping that it doesn't slip off.

I crocheted the basket out of clothesline rope. The boat I bought at Hobby Lobby and a friend painted it for me. I just love it. I'm hoping to turn it into a piggy bank if I only had more time left...

My fabric fish not sure where I got the idea, but I thought it fit in the room nicely.

I wanted to copy the little sailor whales so I got this polka dot paper and made the little sailor hat out of felt. The stars were accidental really. I bought them without an intention and started playing around with them.

The darling whale fabric.. I think I bought out all of this print from eBay...oops. I didn't want it to be gone before I decided I was done with it...ha.

I wanted to have Big Brother shirts for the boys when they came to the hospital. I didn't find any nautical ones so I made my own. I offered to make Jason a 'Captain' one, but he thoughtfully declined. I can't see why....

1 comment:

Mel said...

LOVE IT!!! Those shirts are TOO CUTE!!!