Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Rainy days here in Houston

Rain days have been going on for about a week and half now. Not that bad as it doesn't make it as hot. Of course where there is rain, there is kids in the rain! I remember fondly playing in the rain as much fun! Naturally everybody has a different way to "play" in the rain.

Take Zachary for example. His idea is to be under the umbrella and try not to get wet.

Lucas on the other hand is all rain no umbrella. Even when he has been playing a long time and shaking from the cold, he still doesn't want to get out.

Apparently looked good enough to try to drink from the

He got confused when it stopped raining...

Then gave it a go for a few mins..

I thought it was a good picture of Zachary without his goofy grin of his...looks can be deceiving!

Rain does make it royally suck when going to the store with kids and wet carts....

1 comment:

Mel said...

Yup rain can definitely be fun and a pain. Im so glad we are done w/ it for now and have summer here. Glad it isnt so hot for you.