Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer is definitely starting to burst through with temps in the 100's. We are trying to stay as cool as possible so there is a lot more of early morning/late afternoon activities. Swimming lessons didn't go well as I hoped. We got stormed out more times than we got actual lessons. Zachary and Lucas still had a good time. Zachary jumped right in and learned how to dive to the bottom of the pool. Lucas on the other hand didn't want to have anything to do with the swim teachers. So he just got to play around in the kiddie pool. Well at least he attempted. Zachary also was able to start Taekwondo at our local UMA Taekwondo. He has mixed feelings about it. He loves it and then he doesn't. I hope it changes the longer he does it. I like everything about the 'sport'. It's indoors (ha), they learn self defense moves and they work out really hard the whole entire time. Here is a clip of him and Master Thomas going through the first sequence in order for him to go to yellow belt.

First day

Looks pretty happy to me..

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