Monday, April 23, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter 2012

Ready to go

Love my man!

Mr. Egghead

The Bunny Man

There's no trouble in the bubble when your walkin' along...

One more time?
The helicopter has arrived to drop some eggs!

They are lined up and ready to run!

Definitely was a Where's Zachary? (under the red arrows). There were so many people there!
Jason lost track of where he was, but happened to get a few when the crowd parted.
A full bucket o' fun!
Lucas' age was in a different area, but not less crazy. He would have gotten ran over if I wasn't with him. Of course he had to stop and crack open the first egg...mmmm candy!

He got a movin' after cracking that first egg.
Thanks Martha for coming along! Thinking about it now, I don't know what we would have done with Wesley?! LOVE YOU!

This is what Wesley did the whole time.

Of course I just can't help myself and wanted to play match-y match-y. So I made all the boys matching ties for Easter Sunday.

Not as hard as I thought it would be..I think I did most of them in my sleep!
Boy #1 & Boy #2
Boy #1 holding Boy #3 who is reacting to the bright light whilst Boy #3 is trying to stand still.

Awesomeness in a photo!

Close up of Wesley's tie.

We've made it 7 weeks!

Let me begin by saying having 3 kids is hard! BUT we wouldn't take it back for anything! Just waiting till a routine sets in and we all get to a new "normal".

Been a little less bit of this...
And full baths...

Definitely seeing more faces like this

This just cracks me up

Lots of eye gazing

Sweet face

Two weeks later...and check out that belly!

Look Mom, no hands!

My boys (Please excuse the snow cone lips!)