Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Neglected Blog...catch up time

I have totally neglected this blog and realize that it's past time to get it updated. So I'll probably post several over the next couple of days. Let's go back a few months (ok more like 4!)

We went a little overboard for Christmas partly due to Black Friday frenzy! This was the first year we have ever attempted and have to say it wasn't as crazy as expected. It was a lot of fun, but completely tiring! Here are the pictures from Christmastime.

Our favorite Santa and as always a smiling Zachary. 

This was the only picture I got with Lucas in it...

He just was not having it. He didn't like him last year so I shouldn't have been surprised that he wouldn't this year either.

The closest he would get with Santa without crying was just to get a candy cane. 
He was fine once he got a candy cane. He is totally my child.

We had to get creative this year since the cats would not stay out of the tree! I'm totally a traditional Christmas person, but I got desperate. It was upside down or not at all! It was fun and will probably come back again next year =).

Zachary and Lucas agreed.
Wesley's stocking that my mom made. It's a tradition. She did a fabulous job!
We were wrapping right up to the minute...

Here it is ready to go..
I got the great idea to wrap the door in hopes they would bust open in the morning and wake us up. Didn't happen that way. Zachary crawled through the paper. He said he didn't want to ruin it. Ha.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Love the tree!!!