Monday, October 15, 2012

Is it October already?

GEEZ. It is October and I have once again failed to update the blog...So here's a bunch all at once.

We got a new cat. Somebody in the neighborhood was asking around to see if it was somebody's kitten. Of course we saw it and fell in love. That brings our total to 4! We are the crazy cat family. Her name was Penny until we realized it wasn't a her so HIS name is Garfield. Sweet cat and lets the kids hold him and drag him around without too much fuss.

I gave the boys a Faux hawk over the summer. Zachary was in love with it, but Lucas wouldn't sit still to let me gel it up half of the time. I really didn't like it on Lucas as it made him look like a punk kid and not my little boy. It's gone now, but maybe next summer...

 Wesley is now 7 months old! 

Sitting up - check
Crawling - check
Pulling up on furniture - check

Still has no teeth, but what's worse is he pinches! He will just be touching my arm and then PINCH! Oh the joys of motherhood.


Becca said...

Ahhh, your boys are seriously SO CUTE! I'm really glad I'm not having children at the same time as family members because everyone else have these really cute babies AND kids...I can only hope I get the same. ;-)

Mel said...

Ouch mama, those lil fingers can do some pinching damage!