Sunday, January 4, 2009

My First Sunbeam

I can't believe it my first Sunbeam! For those of you that don't know what that means, it's the first real Sunday school class that Zachary goes into. They first start off in Nursery at 18 months. In nursery, they play with toys, take a walk, have a small lesson, sing some songs and have a snack. In Sunbeams, they have a longer lesson and have a sharing time with the older kids. It's a really good start for Zachary as it helps him learn to sit still and listen to the teacher almost as if he was in school. We are hoping to get him into Pre-K this year so this is a good start. He unfortunately wasn't able to attend class today as he is still trying to get over a cold. He was pretty disappointed. However, I had already purchased him new church clothes for his Sunbeam class. So we atleast went for Sacrament and met with his teachers so that next Sunday he will know who his teachers are. We felt it was important to get him into the habit of proper Sunday dress early on. He loves the idea he looks like daddy! He's so darn cute it makes me want to cry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats too cute