Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Not for the faint of heart...

Ok so those of you that have been inside our house know that we aren't afraid of color. Some might say it's too strong, but I absolutely love big, bold & beautiful colors!

I really can't describe how pretty this color is. Of course here is BIG brother Zachary doing some painting...

Ofcourse he eyeballed the big roller, but was satisfied with just getting to paint with something. Here is me and Zachary being precautious while looking very fashionable.

Glad to have that done. Just need to work out some flooring options to finish the room off. Since I've taken some of the baby toys out of hiding (i.e. the closet), Zachary has found fascination with the little rocking chair. He has been sitting in it with his "baby brother" rocking away. Too cute if you ask me..

Up Next: Zachary's room makeover!


agent _one said...

Absolutely adorable! I love the color choice, I'll have to steal that from you one day

Natalie said...

too cute! love the color. what's next for my one ball wonders room?